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Ugly raw


Site of the Castle 
Saturday and Sunday

(Animation in fixed on the site of the castle)

Mean medieval street show

«Garde-Fou!» is a cracked medieval spectacle, energetic, cruel and sensitive, sometimes funny, sometimes caustic.


In an uninhibited Middle Age, two individuals play their freedom in an absurd chess game, of which they are in turn the master pieces: Guard/Prisoner, Mad/Knight, King/Simple Pawn, Manipulator/Manipulated…

the combinations are multiple and complex, such as the passion of men to invent problems, to their great displeasure, but for our good pleasure...

Freely inspired by the tragic life of Henri Plantagenêt, known as Henri le Jeune (1155-1183).


Just a crazy prisoner.

A wickedly innocent guard.

One doesn’t go without the other.

And the other one won’t go without one.

Like an old pair of inseparables in their cage,

this unlikely duo counts the passing pigeons,

peck at the absurdity of life,

and fly over a grotesque Middle Ages.

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