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Craftsmen market


Chivalry tournament


Théâtre de Verdure site of the Château
Saturday and Sunday


  • equestrian games (quintaine, swords, axes, javelins ...)

  • chivalry tournament


Schedules not scheduled to date

More than 20 years at the service of entertainment and events!

CowProd, quite a symbol ...!


It is the enthusiasm of youth, the age of all hopes. For this company, it is the age of maturity that surely does not intend to run out of steam!

Respecting the duty to transmit and train, the versatility of their artists contributes to the development of the creative niche. After two decades, CowProd strives to uphold the values ​​of performing arts. Animated by the timeless dreams of childhood, and promoting the sharing of experiences with the family, it has always aimed to create moments of magic and emotion allowing everyone to open the doors of the imagination ...


Medieval equestrian show : "Le bel Harnois!" Training show for the 6 knights before the big tournament. Medieval equestrian games, dressage figures and acrobatic aerobatics on their faithful steeds.


Show for children : "The apprentice knights" Costumed by us, through various tests, they will be initiated to the art of chivalry ... Fight with foam swords, fetch rings or strike the quintain while riding the roulette horse, our loyal dashing! ...


A small illuminated knight's diploma will be given to them at the end of the tests.

to celebrate this event!


Spectacle équestre médiéval : "Le bel Harnois !"


Spectacle d'entrainement des 6 chevaliers avant le grand tournoi.

Jeux équestres médiévaux, figures de dressage et voltige acrobatique sur leurs fidèles destriers.



Spectacle pour enfants : "Les apprentis Dragonniers "

Costumés par nos soins, les enfants, par groupe de 12, seront initiés à l'art de dresser, de chevaucher ou encore de capturer les dragons...

Ils apprendront à combattre à l'épée, à la hache et au gourdin 
(en mousse), et frapperont les cibles de dragon en chevauchant notre fidèle fringuant, le cheval en bois à roulette…


Un diplôme fêtant l'événement sera remis à chaque petit dragonnier ! 

Tournoi de chevalerie : "Le Grand Duel !"


6 chevaliers cascadeurs et leurs chevaux + 2 comédiens d'action


Les plus valeureux chevaliers du comté vont rivaliser d'adresse, de dextérité et de force aux différentes épreuves de jeux équestres médiévaux, de joutes à la lance brisée dans d'impressionnantes cascades à couper le souffle ainsi que par les armes à la hache à l'épée et bouclier…

Oyez oyez pour l'honneur des gentes dames

et jeunes enfançons de notre beau fief de Domfront,

que le plus valeureux chevalier gagne ce tournoi !


Samedi et Dimanche

(en déambulation sur la fête)

Chivalry Tournament : "The Last Oaths"!


New show !!!

6 horses and knights


The lord returns to his stronghold and is not welcomed as a hero, he suffers the betrayal in which he perishes. He makes his squire swear to defend his honor by saving his kingdom and his people against the tyranny of his formidable rival ....


Body and soul, justice will give everything or reason to the bravest knight who has taken the oath.


The little extra for this year: Ten children will also participate in the Knighthood tournament, they will have to face our knights in the tug of war.


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