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Knighthood tournament

Théâtre de Verdure site du Château
Saturday and Sunday

  • Fantastic Medieval Equestrian Show (Friday evening 9:30pm)

  • equestrian games (quintaine, swords, axes, javelins...)

  • knighthood tournament

  • Wandering

Schedules not scheduled to date

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More than 20 years in the service of the show and the event!

CowProd, a symbol... !

Respecting the duty to transmit and train, the versatility of their artists contributes to the development of the creative niche. After two decades, CowProd strives to raise the values of live entertainment. Animated by the timeless dreams of childhood, and promoting the sharing of family experiences, it has always aimed to create moments of magic and emotion allowing everyone to open the doors of the imagination...

Friday evening, 20th Anniversary Special!!!

Fantastic Medieval Equestrian Show

 "Exceptional 20th edition"!!!

Draghorn! The Kingdom of Arghaal

The kingdom of Arghaal has lived in peace since the dawn of time… 
At the death of the king, the young princess Izaure, his only daughter, reigns over the kingdom. The king left his daughter, to protect her from the assailants, a dragon with extraordinary virtues. But this peace lasts only for a time. 
Darken the Dark decides to capture the dragon and seize the kingdom. 
The young Valeran, squire and dragon-bearer will come to the aid of the beautiful princess to deliver the kingdom. 
The beautiful Izaure, fiery rider and fighter out of pair, will take up arms and spear and defeat Darken the Dark and his sidekick.


Medieval equestrian show: "Le bel Harnois!"

Training show of the 6 knights before the big tournament.

Medieval equestrian games, dressage figures and acrobatic aerobatics on their faithful steeds.

Children’s show: "The Dragon Apprentices"

Dressed by us, children, in groups of 12, will be introduced to the art of training, riding or capturing dragons...

They will learn to fight with sword, axe and club 
(made of foam) and will hit the dragon targets while riding our dashing faithful, the wooden horse on wheels…

A diploma celebrating the event will be awarded to each small dragon tree! 

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Knighthood tournament: "The Great Duel!"

6 stunt knights and their horses + 2 action actors

The bravest knights of the county will compete with skill, dexterity and strength in the various events of medieval equestrian games, from jousts to broken spears in impressive breathtaking stunts as well as weapons to the sword and shield axe…

Pay tribute to the ladies

and young children of our beautiful fief of Domfront,

May the bravest knight win this tournament!


Saturday and Sunday

(walking around the party)

"The Dragon Master"

Esteros and Westeros, two friends, stole an egg from a mercantile. 
Without knowing the origin of this egg, they left it in a corner of their cottage, near the fireplace... when in the middle of the night a noise suddenly sounded. 
An intruder in the home of our two acolytes!!!! In the middle of the rubble they discover an extraordinary animal that they decide to raise and educate... but not without trouble! It grows from day to day and in a few weeks weighs about 400 kg, measures more than 4 m long for a wingspan of about 2.50 m! 
What a godsend for our two characters, because nobody on this day and on earth has a beautiful and real dragon... But beware it is the dragon who designates his master and who does only at his head! 
The situation is far from being under control when "Vikthor" our "Draco Philaes Arvor", the stone dragon, decides to go off to discover the world of Men accompanied by our so-called dragon pals…

"Ladies Natures"

Protective mothers of our elements, masters of our seasons, of our environment these fantastic, high-perched characters come to meet you bringing a sweet magical and wonderful atmosphere...

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