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      It is with great sadness that we must announce the cancellation of the 2021 edition which was to take place on August 6, 7 & 8.


The whole Medieval team is stunned and annoyed.


Indeed, the bridge that carried us to the castle no longer supports the weight of the years ...


We think of you artisans who gave life to our market, of you troops who gave all your energy to animate our events and of you volunteers who "volunteered" without counting on our side.
But also to your partners who have supported us year after year.
Without forgetting, the public which by its enthusiastic presence gives us the desire to continue and to imagine a program always richer of surprises.


We look forward to seeing you next year on the 1st weekend of August.


Despite the health crisis, we were making progress on the preparation of this special edition ... The 20th.
Unfortunately, we were cut off in our tracks.


We hope that the work will be done for the 2022 edition and that the bridge will once again be able to "support" us and welcome you.

Either way, we're working on it right now.


For our artisan friends and the public, we invite you to meet for the 3rd edition of the Medieval and Gastronomic Christmas Market in December 2021.


We are defeated but not defeated ...


Medieval yours !!!

The Domfront Medieval Team

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